Approach Mono
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Approach Mono is the fixed width version of Approach. A utilitarian low contrast font, a bit mechanical but plenty of character. This version shares its main features with the original one, but it has a more prominent and visible punctuation. The more obvious use of a mono would be in tables, programming code or “in progress texts”, but not just that. Approach Mono can be used in the modern communication, bringing an aseptic voice to brochures, advertising, identities and any other piece of communication.


Approach Mono Light
  • Approach Mono Light
  • Approach Mono Regular
  • Approach Mono Medium
  • Approach Mono SemiBold
  • Approach Mono Bold
  • Approach Mono Black
In a badly designed book, the letters mill and stand like starving horses in a field. In a book designed by rote, they sit like stale bread and mutton on the page. In a well-made book, where designer, compositor and printer have all done their jobs, no matter how many thousands of lines and pages, the letters are alive. They dance in their seats. Sometimes they rise and dance in the margins and aisles. — Robert Bringhurst, The Elements of Typographic Style.
Approach Mono Regular
  • Approach Mono Light
  • Approach Mono Regular
  • Approach Mono Medium
  • Approach Mono SemiBold
  • Approach Mono Bold
  • Approach Mono Black
In a badly designed book, the letters mill and stand like starving horses in a field. In a book designed by rote, they sit like stale bread and mutton on the page. In a well-made book, where designer, compositor and printer have all done their jobs, no matter how many thousands of lines and pages, the letters are alive. They dance in their seats. Sometimes they rise and dance in the margins and aisles. — Robert Bringhurst, The Elements of Typographic Style.
Approach Mono Medium
  • Approach Mono Light
  • Approach Mono Regular
  • Approach Mono Medium
  • Approach Mono SemiBold
  • Approach Mono Bold
  • Approach Mono Black
In a badly designed book, the letters mill and stand like starving horses in a field. In a book designed by rote, they sit like stale bread and mutton on the page. In a well-made book, where designer, compositor and printer have all done their jobs, no matter how many thousands of lines and pages, the letters are alive. They dance in their seats. Sometimes they rise and dance in the margins and aisles. — Robert Bringhurst, The Elements of Typographic Style.
Approach Mono SemiBold
  • Approach Mono Light
  • Approach Mono Regular
  • Approach Mono Medium
  • Approach Mono SemiBold
  • Approach Mono Bold
  • Approach Mono Black
In a badly designed book, the letters mill and stand like starving horses in a field. In a book designed by rote, they sit like stale bread and mutton on the page. In a well-made book, where designer, compositor and printer have all done their jobs, no matter how many thousands of lines and pages, the letters are alive. They dance in their seats. Sometimes they rise and dance in the margins and aisles. — Robert Bringhurst, The Elements of Typographic Style.
Approach Mono Bold
  • Approach Mono Light
  • Approach Mono Regular
  • Approach Mono Medium
  • Approach Mono SemiBold
  • Approach Mono Bold
  • Approach Mono Black
In a badly designed book, the letters mill and stand like starving horses in a field. In a book designed by rote, they sit like stale bread and mutton on the page. In a well-made book, where designer, compositor and printer have all done their jobs, no matter how many thousands of lines and pages, the letters are alive. They dance in their seats. Sometimes they rise and dance in the margins and aisles. — Robert Bringhurst, The Elements of Typographic Style.
Approach Mono Black
  • Approach Mono Light
  • Approach Mono Regular
  • Approach Mono Medium
  • Approach Mono SemiBold
  • Approach Mono Bold
  • Approach Mono Black
In a badly designed book, the letters mill and stand like starving horses in a field. In a book designed by rote, they sit like stale bread and mutton on the page. In a well-made book, where designer, compositor and printer have all done their jobs, no matter how many thousands of lines and pages, the letters are alive. They dance in their seats. Sometimes they rise and dance in the margins and aisles. — Robert Bringhurst, The Elements of Typographic Style.
In use
Approach Mono Light
  • Approach Mono Light
  • Approach Mono Regular
  • Approach Mono Medium
  • Approach Mono SemiBold
  • Approach Mono Bold
  • Approach Mono Black



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*See the PDF for more details.

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